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Mosaic Network

Chrissy Chang of Dwell Soul Care

Dwell Soul Care

The vision of Dwell Soul Care is to offer safe space for fellow travelers on the Christian spiritual journey to experience the loving hospitality of Jesus, who invites us to “Come and See” where He dwells with us, offering provision for our souls and assuring us of our belonging as Beloved children of God (Romans 8:16). Dwell Soul Care was born out of a vision of  God’s hospitality to us, which He invites us to experience as we open our souls in hospitality to Him.  When I offer spiritual direction, it is  about setting that table, providing space to come as we are to talk with and direct our gazes to Jesus – the one who sees us, knows us, and sustains us. My prayer for my directees, is that they too would “taste and see that the Lord is good” and know increasingly what it is to “dwell in the house of the Lord” together. 

Main Contact: Chrissy Chang
Location: Houston, Texas, United States

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Elim Soul Formation

Elim, an oasis of twelve springs and seventy palm trees, provided a refreshing stop for God’s people as they sojourned through the wilderness of Shur (meaning “a wall, hemmed in”. I envision Elim Soul Formation to hold space for people today to pause and to take time to notice God’s formational work in them, even and particularly in those “hemmed-in” and “bitter” places of life and ministry. My prayer is that through spiritual direction, soul care retreats, formational workshops, and transforming communities, we learn to tune our souls to the whispering voice of God, live and serve out of our deeply rooted beloved identity, and grow in our lifelong journey of transformation in Christ.

Main Contact: Clara Louie
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

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Porch Swing Soul Care

The Porch Swing Soul Care community is all about taking a break from our daily doings and spending a good while just being, on a metaphorical porch swing. We provide soul care experiences and resources to help you rest and delight in Our Creator. Founder, Izabela Cormier, is a Spiritual Director who is passionate about holistic, trauma-informed, culturally-competent soul care. A charismatic contemplative, with a high regard for scripture and intentional community, Izabela is particularly interested in accompanying ministers, leaders, and creatives, as they endeavor to care for their souls.

Main Contact: Izabela Cormier
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana, United States

Renew Formation

Renew Formation is a spiritual formation ministry organization led by Raquel Lopez Rogers based in the North Carolina Raleigh Triangle area. Renew Formation’s purpose is to provide spiritual formation care and training to Christian leaders across cultures through spaces to be with God while becoming a reflection of God’s flourishing community.

Main Contact: Raquel Lopez Rogers
Location: Raleigh, North Carolina, United States

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Tapestry Soul Care

Tapestry is a Christian soul care and spiritual formation ministry whose mission is to host spaces where leaders across cultures can experience God’s care for their souls. They do this by nurturing Christian leaders and communities to envision how the threads of their lives (whether simple or intricate) are being woven in ways that reflect the beauty that the Master Weaver intended. Their prayer is that many experience God’s life-changing love and power through all the ministry threads Tapestry has to offer.

Main Contact: Jovin Adjeitey
Location: Ghana, West Africa

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