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For Our Partners

Dear Friends, This page is dedicated to sharing with you, our partners, testimonials and thank-you messages from the recipients of Mosaic Formation's ministry services. Together, we are on a mission to expand access to spiritual formation care and training for leaders serving underserved communities. From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for your faithful prayers and financial investments in this ministry. In Christ's grace, David & Cindy Wu, Co-Founders


This was the move holistic, helpful and hope-filled presentation and teaching of the Enneagram I have received to date. The team teaching of David and Cindy was exceptional.

I loved getting away and having the quiet to process who God is to me in this moment and how loving and caring He is. I am also still reflecting on what I heard over the weekend, that God desires me to hear Him more than I desire to hear Him, and going off that, got reassurance of different ways God speaks. I don't think I would have been able to think through all this if I didn't have the quiet place.

Coaching others in the enneagram through the analogy of the beautiful garden of their soul as God has specifically designed them makes so much sense! Rather than a personality test that assigns a number and broad brush of analysis that feels so impersonal, seeing the interaction and combination of the different traits in God's specific design has brought encouragement and clarity to me and those i coach. Trusting in my own gifting and not in God allows weeds to grow and the garden produces so much less than the way it was planted by God. This analogy of preparing the soil of my soul, the seeds God plants, the water that nourishes, and the weeds that need to be removed is so very helpful. This turns a light on for so many who have already taken other enneagram assessments but never understood their beautiful design and now see the enneagram as a wonderful tool to help them deepen in their ongoing relationship with God and understanding of themselves and others. Thank you for an approach that is so different from labeling and self-improvement methods. This perspective brings an honoring of God's unique design of us, and opens doors for us to trust God and not strive to fix ourselves. We can celebrate God's design in ourselves and others; the garden is watered and weeds are pulled! And that makes for tasty fruit.

David's workshop was exactly what our team needed. He provided approaches to spiritual discernment that felt fresh and doable for our team. The practical ideas that he gave will be instrumental as we engage in our planning processes this spring.

Mosaic Formation has been a true blessing to my ministry! Through Spiritual Direction with David, he has helped me to navigate back to God's life-giving waters time and time again. I appreciate his expertise in multiple styles of engagement, from cultivating sacred space to wise coaching, based on what I state my needs are at the time. With David's help, I have been better equipped to combat the many demands of ministry—from doubt to burnout. I HIGHLY recommend Mosaic Formation to my clergy colleagues!

I had the opportunity to use the resources and teaching of the enneagram through a Christ virtues lens with a current coaching client that had walked away from the Lord for several years. He was calling himself an atheist and no longer believed in God. After our consultation he was so impacted by the way he could clearly see God's movement in his life and how obvious the invitations to trust were. At the end of our call he came back to faith, and as I have continued our relationship over the last 4 months, he has started attending church with his family, to pray daily again and also started journaling. This training is so life giving and impactful in pointing people to Christ and guiding them along a very personal and individualized path of spiritual formation.

David was such a blessing to our entire team. Several of my coworkers mentioned how David went out of his way to connect with each individual during the retreat in a genuine way. They were impressed that he already had knowledge about them and their lives. David facilitated the group times with excellency. God used it to connect us to Himself. David was flexible with the culture and sensitive to where our team was allowing for times of connection and interaction rather than sticking to the proposed schedule. All of these things were such a blessing. The listening groups were amazing. I am eager to continue to see how we can continue to do this better as a team.